The Prison of Your Mind

Just because you are not in a prison with bars and walls doesn’t mean you are free.

Prison is also an attitude, a mentality about yourself, the inability to be free. True, I’ve never been held in a physical prison, but I wasted away most of my life in a prison of my attitudes, believes, & negative mentality. I’ve lived chained to my fears, griefs, regrets and memories. My soul had been wounded, not only by the darkness that I had allowed, but also the darkness that others had brought to me. Offenses, prejudices, misunderstandings, wounded pride; these had brought me to respond to people around me with even more wounding.

My view of the world was, “I have to rely on myself,” and built walls for self-defense. I allowed trauma experiences in my life to drain me of the courage to reach towards the destiny & calling I had in God. I literally prayed just to be average, and just to blend in. My heart’s desire was to be mediocre; just good enough. I was incredibly sick, struggling with depression and negative thoughts. Even though I grew up in church, had many opportunities, and had a good GPA in school, I could never imagine myself being a success.

There is absolutely no difference in my mental attitude and thought processes as a food addict/bulimic and anorexic than someone who has been incarcerated, and struggled with more “serious” addictions.This was a humbling realization, but it gave me the foundation to start on the path to the real destiny intended for my life.

Now, I work with all kinds of people who have experienced trauma or addiction, and most have a lack of identity, just like I did. They may have no idea how to care for themselves as if they have a destiny to pursue.

Some have experienced incarceration, or powerful cravings, some have not. But that’s not the deciding factor. I often hear from people when they first meet me that they I assume I am a “church girl who’s never had a thing gone wrong in her life”. But then when I am able to share my story and the insights I have been gifted with, I want them to have HOPE.

My struggles may not be the same as your struggles, but there is hope when we make THIS our starting point: there is a God, He is kind, and He is unafraid to align himself with us no matter our situation. It's because we each have a destiny to fulfill. And that starting point will give you the keys to set yourself free from the Prison in your Mind!


Life Is Better with an Outside Perspective


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