“I’m doing better; honestly I feel lighter now. I also feel somehow more joyful and have more renewed creativity. Still a ways to go but I’m getting there! “
“Thank you so much for blessing me today and using your gifts to glorify the Lord!! I have so much peace and I feel very light. I really appreciate you!!”
“I’m more clear, and at peace. I feel I can move on and do what I need to do. “
“I was able to get past an incident that had me stuck. It took a few sessions, but I was able to release it, see my part in it & take steps forward that I hadn’t been able to see before. I have people I know I need to recommend this to…”
“Old junk had been holding me back… I thought I had dealt with an issue, but as it came up, it was clear to me that I had just set it aside & tried to move on. I am so much more at peace & calm with it now. “
“I got your [personal] testimonial in a recent email and I just wanted to thank you for your courage!! I feel so blessed knowing all of the things our Father got you through! I know He will continue His perfect work in you!! I am thankful for the blood of Christ that covers us!! You are such a blessing and have already made a tremendous impact in my life” 😭😭😭
“My life is running smoother, my stress level has lowered, my concentration is better, and I have more energy! I’m very, very pleased…” -MS
“I had more energy through a stressful project than usual, and I knew how to take care of myself!” -SM
“Rapid out of the box results; this program… is amazing!” -JN
“I’m going to get my life back!" -KB
“I must say that [our group] came with our feet dragging, not really expecting to learn much… The information presented gave our entire group huge insight!I highly recommend…. It is worth far more than the cost!” -CS
“I feel great and I can’t believe how much I’m getting done!” -LL
“I am thrilled to have my life back, better than I ever have before… I love my new job,
and I’m sleeping well for the first time in my life!” - LC
“I’m so excited about this protocol, and the changes it has made for me already; this a game changer!” -JN
Case Studies
Actual Clients who chose Personalized Amino Acid Therapy
20 year old male: Severe concussion several years ago
Poor quality sleep
Numb to the world/ existing by tuning out the world
Flat, apathetic depression, alternating with feeling overwhelmed/hopeless
Insomnia (2-3 hours to get to sleep)/ Unable to get out of bed in AM
Stiff, tense, painful muscles, Light sensitivity, Headaches
Withdrawn from friends/family.
No sense of humor
Grief over loss of function:
Can’t hold a job, Unable to go to college, no “visual” on imagination or book reading anymore
Lack of stamina
Used to do Crossfit (lost a lot of muscle because of accident)
Was on track for a Robotics Engineering degree before accident, then not sure he’d graduate high-school
Cravings for sugar & caffeine (energy shots just to wake up)
Craving dangerous/risky activities
Hesitant to hope
Very high ibuprofen dosages daily for pain
“Just leave me alone and let me sleep”
Habit: Sleeping 3-5 hours at night for several days, then sleep 16-18 hours for 2 days to catch up
After initial recommendations were implemented…
He’s down to Ibuprofen about 2x per week, and only 2 at a time, and only one energy drink a day
Can get up by himself usually, keeping commitments, he’s holding down a job doing construction
A sly sense of humor & whistling when came in
He says he’s cried at a movie, and it’s weird to feel feelings, but knows it’s part of the human experience he’s “rejoining”. He has reached out to brother and friends for accountability.
Stated that being aware of pain/ craving pleasure from interaction with people increased but was able to handle it and work through it instead of just block it out
2-month UPDATE: Enjoying life, and experimenting with “how much staying up late can I get away with?” As long as he takes supplements, and eats according to the recommendations, he’s able to function, and work. Still working on the sleeping. (Likes to be able to stay up all night sometimes, but then this messes up the sleep cycle.) Saving money, and looking at College options for the future.
59 year old professional woman: on anti depressants
Difficulty sleeping
Lacking Confidence
Dealing with family/job stress
long-term issues she’s used to working around:
Difficulty concentrating
Trouble sleeping
Lack of energy
Passive at work
Feeling trapped in career
Difficulty relaxing without obsessive game playing
Client desires all-natural solutions/ Long-term wants to look at going off meds for depression
Wants to be able to use full range of personal skills, but lacks the confidence to step out
After initial recommendations were implemented…
Much better sleep
Stamina increase to stand up for self at work
Making better choices for self-care
Not really feeling anxious at work, since sleeping better
Excited about the possibility of no caffeine dependence
She has enough stamina to begin building her dream business!
Her friends and daughter have noticed a difference, and she’s shared my info with them.
Possible to get off anti-depressant, but timing is important with all the exciting changes happening
2-month UPDATE: continues to take supplements, and keep up with modified eating habits. Has clarity to make a change to a better job situation. Much less dependent on caffeine, and sleeping through the night. Setting long-term goals to begin working toward the dream business.
27 year old Female, Alcohol and Marijuana user
Trauma/Grief over a Family member’s recent death
Chronic sex addict with a string of unknown partners
Eats mainly junk food
Breaks with reality
ADD / abused Adderall
Inability to focus, carry on a conversation or hold down a job
Feeling overwhelmed
Sound sensitivity
Emotional pain
Irritable & Shaky
Cravings for sugar/ caffeine / nicotine / Marijuana
Sober for about 2 months (other than cigarettes and Marijuana)
After initial recommendations were implemented…
Took all of her supplements as dosed, and was amazed at how much clearer/ less confused she was. She decided she really does want to become a better version of herself…Could focus well enough to read. Still smoking cigarettes, but able to stay away from marijuana for the first time in years. Gained enough confidence to keep taking her supplements on her own.
Now convinced that a fresh start is possible. Previously, not sure if her mother’s hope was worth hanging onto.
2-month UPDATE: Looking at making goals for her future. She has actively processed her grief, and is now enjoying having friends. She is taking steps to advocate for herself, and behaving very responsibly. She is dynamically reaching out for healthy accountability.
39 year-old Female: Ex Heroin/Meth addict
Poor quality sleep
Not enough energy to keep up with day to day responsibilities
Craving risky behavior
2 Rollover car accidents in past
Multiple surgeries ? Has had insomnia since “as long as I can remember”
10+ pregnancies, with 8 live births
Feeling overwhelmed with trying to cope with day to day life
Insomnia (2-3 hours to get to sleep) ? Only sleeping 4-5 hours per night
Unable to get out of bed in AM ? Hard to hold down a job ? Sound sensitivity
Refuses to take any medication at all because she’s wanting to be healthy
Exercises daily (Biking, jogging/walking)
Cravings for sugar & caffeine ? Craving dangerous/risky activities
Coffee/ energy drinks to wake up in morning
Been through multiple drug rehab programs
After initial recommendations were implemented…
Can get up by herself usually, and has a new job with full benefits that she really is enjoying
Keeping commitments
Excited to reconnect with some of her children
Almost completely off coffee, except for as an occasional “treat”
Figuring out how to budget to have the supplements before running out
2 month UPDATE: continues supplements to get rid of the overwhelming urges for risky ways to get love and attention. Setting goals to attend school and become a personal trainer.