Changing the world

one life at a time.

let’s start with yours!

Current Events


    ZOOM Bible Study SESSIONS -

    6- Week workshop

    -3 Truths You MUST NOT Ignore

    -7 Spiritual Life Builders

    -What is your World View?

    -How Declarations Can Transform Your World

  • REPLAY of MEDITATION podcast

    Did you know that eastern mediation and biblical meditation stimulate different areas of the brain for different outcomes? Amy is going to share details of the differences and share with us how you can use meditation as the greatest benefit for your life. Beta waves, theta waves, stimulate different parts of the brain for different outcomes and all are a reflection of how amazing God made us.

    Click below to listen to the replay

  • Local Meridian events

    Every few months I do local workshops with limited seating!

    Follow the link below to check out current dates and topics!