Should I Consider Taking Supplements?

Of course, food should be considered the number one source of nutrients.

It is important to remember that nutritional supplements are only to enhance a diet or lifestyle, and never can replace a healthy diet.

The process of customizing nutrients for individuals evaluates, and takes into consideration many factors, some of which are outlined below.

* Activities like training for a marathon or specific life stages can increase nutritional needs ( elderly, or pregnant women)

* A person may have been advised to set Specific health goals like lowering cholesterol, improving detoxification, or desire to protect brain health, and memory.

* Digestive problems can hinder proper absorption as well as digestion of nutrients

* Nutrients from a diet are insufficient (due to things like picky eating, food allergies or sensitivities, certain health conditions that require eliminating certain foods, or lack of access to a variety of foods)

* Excess toxic load on the body from things like infection, imbalance in gut microflora, mold, or some medications that interfere with the usability of nutrients. (like Proton Pump inhibitors, and birth control)

* Specific Genetic coding can create a greater need for specific nutrients

* Very stressful life events, or long-term stress can cause a depletion of nutrients in the body.

Supplementing can be a good idea for anyone, even if none of these things apply since we just don’t live in a perfect world! An important study done in 2004 evaluated 43 different produce items grown in America. This study concluded that 6 specific nutrients had noticeably decreased in the items evaluated, as compared to the same items evaluated in 1950. This is thought to be as a result of changes in soil management, the use of pesticides, and mass production of garden crops.

This would mean for example, a potato or tomato in our times does not have as much nutrients in it as a potato or tomato did in 1950, because the soil as the source of nutrients does not have as much in it to nourish the crop. This is a good reason for anyone to consider using supplements to maximize health, even with a well-balanced diet.

Our brains, the master control center for distributing all nutrients, has to be fed properly to do its job. No wonder there is an increase in depression, anxiety, and addiction, as well as degenerative diseases in our modern world, and that certainly can be in part from our lack of sufficient nutrition!

What’s you unique need for nutrition? It’s exciting to create a customized nutrient protocol to optimize your brain, and meet your specific requirements to improve your health!

How can I help you be the best version of yourself? Let’s talk!


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