Tough Questions, Straight Answers About the 3D Method

Got Questions?

Today, I want to dive in and take on some of the toughest questions I get asked-- and offer straight answers. Maybe you’ve wondered some of these things, too?

What if....

... I feel anxious about the emotions I’ve tried to keep buried? Do I have to “experience them all over again” to process them?

·      Short answer: not much.

The point is that those emotions are still there, stored in your body, affecting you in unmanageable ways. The art of the 3D Method* takes you through a safe, gentle, Christ-honoring way of clearing out those emotions, so they don’t continue to cause triggering. This method is effective for any situation where you didn’t know how to handle it at the time, and no one was there to help you process it. This time, there’s someone there to walk you through the process, so it’s much less overwhelming. And, we are not focused on “managing the feelings,” rather: on healing them.


·      Many times, knowing what a 3D Method* session will be like can dissolve the pre-session jitters. Here’s what a typical 75–90-minute session looks like:

- First, we discuss what your goal/ target is for the session. We talk for a few minutes about what you’ve been experiencing.

-  Next, we pray. We commit our time to God, and His leading. We ask for insight, and for your heart to be healed in our time together.

-Then, I coach you in addressing any emotions that are coming up that would be distracting or disrupting.

Types of work include:

Creative work—bolstering, positive focus, re-establishing truth

Experiential work—clearing out past personal experiences & self-judgments related to those experiences

Epigenetic work—patterns/habits handed down to us from relatives

- Finally, we use your natural authority over your own body and soul to choose what stays and what goes. This is an amazing opportunity to partner with God and solidity the truth in your “operating system.”

-We pray to close. You get to go with a new sense many describe as “carrying less baggage”!


... I don’t have a lot of memories from a particular season of my life that I know was a hard time? Can I still have the lingering effects removed if I don’t really have a lot of specific memories?

-Absolutely! In fact, the 3D method* is particularly designed to help address experiences you do not have a lot of intellectual clarity about.

... I’d rather not talk much about the experiences I’ve had? I don’t want you, or anyone to know all the details!

-The 3D method* is extraordinarily well-suited to circumstances where you do not want to discuss details. The focus is on your personal feelings rather than the specific details about a situation and getting those cleared out.

-Unlike talk therapy, it is not necessary for a practitioner to know details of a situation, unless you choose to talk about it.

- Of course, anything that is said is kept in confidence, just like any other form of therapy. you may choose

... I know I need an “extended season” of working on stuff that is cropping up, but I’m not sure I can afford this/ my insurance doesn’t cover any type of mental health therapy!

 -Affordability is a significant concern with the type of work I do! There are a few things I can suggest to help with finances:

1.        Consider purchasing a “package” rather than individual sessions. This is easier for me to schedule, and allows me to better budget my time, so I pass on a discount to you. Payment plans are no problem!

2.        Check to see if you have an insurance plan that has a ‘Health Savings Account’. (a HSA allows you to use pre-tax funds for medical-related expenses and/or get reimbursed.) Some allow for Complimentary or Alternative treatments like the 3D method. Check with your individual plan to verify your eligibility!

3.        Individuals whose income is less than the median income for the area may qualify for services on a sliding scale. Ask me about this option, and I’ll be happy to work with you to help make the rates affordable.


...I don’t know what “complimentary treatment” is? Is this really legitimate?

-Great question! So glad you asked!!

~3D therapy is classified as Complimentary medicine. This is a category of treatments that are not based on an allopathic “medication as the solution” perspective and does not hinder or undermine other treatments you’d receive from a traditional practitioner. The methods are “generally regarded as safe and effective” and have a basis in the most recent scientific evidence available and/or faith-based in nature. Complimentary protocols are often incorporated into standard medical practice over time.

~ Complimentary services are often not regulated by licensing requirements, (like an M.D. or Psychiatrist would be) but are instead governed by strict Certification standards and Association accountability, as well as Ethical laws.

-An individual practitioner’s experience, background, relatability and personal beliefs may become significantly more important with these types of treatments. There is typically a certain level of “partnership” in this type of “relationship-based” care. There is generally a shared decision-making element to Complimentary treatment, incorporating learning lifestyle skills, with the client choosing from amongst options.

NOTE: Idaho is one of 6 states that have specific laws about Complimentary medicine. These laws benefit residents by ensuring the safety and guaranteeing your freedom to choose between varying types of treatments.


*3D therapy is the Complimentary protocol developed by the Splankna Institute that addresses a whole person, body, soul, and spirit--all 3. This modality uses cutting-edge science, and sound spiritual principles to bring healing to a person through prayer-based sessions and 1:1 partnership with a Certified practitioner.


Have these questions brought up more questions for you?

Great!! This is literally my favorite topic to talk about!) I’d love to have an opportunity to discuss your questions with you!

Let’s talk! (schedule a free call with me)

This month’s quote:

“...the goal should be:

·      comprehensive care

·      that uses the best scientific evidence available regarding benefits and harm,

·      encourages a focus on healing,

·      recognizes the importance of compassion and caring,

·      emphasizes the centrality of relationship-based care,

·      encourages patients to share in decision making about therapeutic options,

·      and promotes choices in care that can include complementary therapies where appropriate.”

From Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States, 2005,

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