Your Destiny is in your Hand!

The Hand…

… is uniquely human. It represents power and authority. Each of us has our own exclusive identity imbedded on our hands…our fingerprints. Eye-hand coordination is a critical skill children must develop for their futures.

A tiny baby instinctively knows to reach out a hand and grasp the finger of its mother while nursing, for security.

We tell our children to hold hands when crossing the road for comfort, security, togetherness, support and protection. Remember as a child when you traced, or painted your hand on a piece of paper to make a turkey?

Maybe you painted a shirt for your grandma with handprints lovingly blotched on it as a gift to let her know how special she is. We have a plaster cast of my husband's hand that was made when he was just a little guy. His mom has kept it all these years as a one-of-a-kind memento.

A teacher will give us "hand-outs" as a means of imparting information to us. Then we all "hand in" our work. We submit it to prove that we have accomplished, learned, and have mastery over the subject we are studying.

In the Bible it speaks of laying on of hands to impart a blessing or a powerful gifting.

We hold the hand of the sick and dying to offer comfort and support.

We have cultural references regarding hands…

• If we are saying that a person "wouldn’t lift a finger to help me," we are speaking about their unwillingness to use their hands to benefit another fellow human being.

• If I tell someone to "get a grip," or to "get ahold of yourself,” I'm asking them to have self-control.

• Saying "I can handle it," says that I am confident and strong.

• If I ask someone if they have a "firm grasp on reality," I'm wondering if they really do know what's going on!

• On the Internet, and in the CB/ ham radio world, people ask, "What is your handle?" They are asking for your identity.

• If I'm willing to "give you a hand" I'm offering my help.

• In ancient cultures, rings, usually worn on the right hand, represented authority or wealth. These signet rings were used to seal contracts, and make purchases much like we use credit cards today.

• If the MC at an event says," let's give them a hand!" he is referring to clapping or applause. This is praise given for a performance well done.

• Show me your hands, and I may be able to tell your age, your profession or possibly even your financial status. No palm reading required!

• A person who's got their "fingers in too many pies" may be scheming, or perhaps has overextended themselves.

• If my boss is the “hands-on type” it means he's involved. If my boss is the “hands-off type” it means that he allows me to be independent.

• If I sing the song "I want to hold your hand!” I'm speaking of touch and affection, love, and perhaps commitment.

• In a wedding we exchange not only vows, but rings that are a symbol of our promises. Photos are taken of the bride and groom's hands and their rings.

• You can usually only hold one thing at a time in your hand. If you want to receive something new, chances are you'll have to let go of what's in your hand right now.

• Hands speak of power, and influence. If I shout, "get your hands off of me!” I'm telling you to remove your control over me.

• A clenched fist is the international sign for power or fighting. In contrast, an open hand would be the sign in any language for either giving, or being in need. Hands held up with palms facing outward would be the universal symbol for surrender.

“There is no other being on this planet that has the power to bring ideas into existence by manual dexterity and active manipulation of objects in the environment.”

• What will you surrender to?

• What will you reach for?

• What will you own and understand?

• What will you hold on to?

• How will you be identified?

• What will you commit to help?

• What will you offer your protection and comfort to?

• What will you build?

• What will you create?

• What will you fight for?

• What will you give?

• What will you pass on to the next generation?

• What is in your hand?

These are all unique answers you must decide, intentionally.

Your future and destiny will be determined your choices.


​​The Twelve Steps of Nutrition


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