​​The Twelve Steps of Nutrition

​​Establish a protocol to support healthy choices about food, cravings, anxiety, depression, and focus challenges. 

Step 1: Decide to Hope (borrow someone else’s hope if you need to)  “I’m worth it, cuz God don’t make no junk!” 

Step 2:  Take Responsibility for My Part; Give God the Rest!  I am not powerless over what I put into my body! 

Step 3: Be Accountable to God, and Another Safe Person I am willing to become accountable; it is the “secret sauce” to end crisis living. 

Step 4: Have Courage: You’re Not Alone I will build relationships with safe and supportive people for success. 

Step 5: Just DO IT (Get Specific) I will build a solid foundation so I can sustain growth. 

Step 6: Stress Has Become A Disease I will make the worthwhile investment into feeling well. 

Step 7: Embrace Change I will remove poor nutrition habits from my life. 

Step 8:  Customize Nutrition  I will learn about my unique needs and make adjustments. 

Step 9: Dig Deeper “Advanced Issues” and Weight Loss I will not confuse health issues with my identity or self-worth. 

Step 10: Grace Transforms I will humbly offer grace to myself and others, as I work this process. 

Step 11: Be Whole I will take time to seek my purpose as I contend for health. 

Step 12 Reach Out I can be a life-changing influencer.


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